An Inspiring Woman
"Bravest Women in Mexico" is now a play
A new play "so go the ghosts of mexico, part one" by Matthew Paul Olmos is currently at La MaMa. It is based on Marisol Valles Garcia's life. I found the article in the New York Times and was immediately intrigued by this woman. I haven't seen the show but I will! She sounds amazing. And I of course had to research yes I am very nerdy and love researching. "It just sounds like the plot of a Hollywood movie: a small Mexican town on the Texas border, terrorized by drug cartels battling for control of smuggling routes, names a 20-year-old mother, still working on her criminology degree, its police chief." I firmly believe real life is more interesting than fiction.The last police chief had been decapitated and no one wanted the appointment. Marisol had applied for a secretarial position and was offered the job. The media call her "the bravest woman in Mexico." She told the BBC, “All jobs carry an element of risk, and I am conscious of that, but I also know that I have to do something to combat the problems we face.” She held the position for four months then threats forced her and her family to flee to the United States for political asylum. This strong woman is an inspiration to me. I will let you guys know how "so the ghosts of mexico, part one" lives up the the extraordinary woman I want to know more about.